Crossing of the Lyskamm’s Nose 4150 mt.
From the hut climb up straight on the Gasterlet’s Glacier, going on the right of the rock where there is the Gnifetti hut. When you reach the plateau above you cross it paying attention to crevasses up to reach the track from the Gnifetti hut.
Then you go up the steep slope that runs along the Pyramid Vincent on the left up to reach a plateau at about 4000 meters.
You leave on the right the track that leads to the Pyramid Vincent, you continue on the left towards the valley at the base of the Eastern Lyskamm. If the conditions allow it, you continue on the snowy slope or go down on the left to take the rocks to go up again. When you reach the snowy passage of the nose, you cross it and go down the slope often frozen up to the flat base of the nose.
Difficulty: Medium
Map on Google Maps